This is a fascinating and enjoyable memoir, that will be of great value to numerous readers. I found the insights the author is able to convey unique into areas of vital importance and centrality to the rapidly changing world we live. Given the impact of the technology the author describes, and the business processes and models associated with them, on every area of life, the behind-the-scenes views unveiled shine a light on material that is as obscure as it is interesting.

What’s covered

How is innovation managed? How do
startups get funding? How does intellectual
property work?

If you are planning a career in the rapidly evolving world of Tech, you may want to prepare for the ride. Silicon Valley tech veteran Dr. Frantz Lohier shares an honest glimpse into the rarely talked-about hurdles and keys to success in the industry, with personal anecdotes and insights covering his international and tenured career. With lighthearted candour, Lohier hints while the waters of tech move fast, only steady perseverance and humour will determine whether you sink or swim in this industry.

3 formats are available for purchase here

Frantz Lohier is a French-American Technologist with more than 20 years of experience across company sizes and cultures (Logitech, Qualcomm, Samsung, Forvia, to name a few). He is an inventor, entrepreneur, and a Silicon Valley Veteran. He obtained his Master’s Degree in Robotics and PhD in Signal Processing from French Pierre et Marie Curie University. Frantz was recently CTO at Forvia, one of the largest automotive part suppliers in the world and recently nominated French Foreign Trade Advisors or “Conseiller du Commerce Extérieur”.

Book content

About the Author	
My Childhood	
France and My Academic Years	
My Professional Career	
Health and Work/Life Balance	
The Backstage of the High-tech World	
How Silicon Valley Works	
Startups and the Venture Capitalist World	
The SPAC Phenomenon	
Typical Deal Terms	
How to Spot Good Investors	
The Importance of Business Models	
Board Positions	
On Intellectual Property Protection	
Technology Successes and Flops	
Harnessing Innovation	
Key learnings and take-aways	
Challenging the Status Quo	
Humor as a Tool	
Experience and Thoughts About Offshoring	
Charismatic Encounters	
Memorable Experiences	
“Flash” Company Acquisition	
M&A Experience in Japan	
Remembering Google I/O	
Consumer Electronics Show (CES)	
Glossary of Abbreviations
Table of contents for